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Exercise should be part of your weekly routine and should be enjoyable. Aim to exercise 3-5 times per week (150 minutes minimum), allowing recovery time for your muscles too. If hitting the gym isn't for you then activities like dog walking, swimming, jogging and completing daily chores can be a great way to burn calories and lose weight.
Healthy fat loss is between 1-2 pounds per week, so be patient and set yourself realistic goals within realistic time frames!
A new exercise routine is pointless unless care and consideration goes into your nutrition as well. Make proteins and vegetables the main components of your meals and select sensible carbohydrates in order to avoid constant changes to blood sugar levels and energy levels e.g. whole grain pasta and rice and less processed carbs where possible. For further information and advice regarding nutrition, please get in touch (advice and support is always given alongside training sessions!)
Our body is 60-70% water and our muscles and kidneys are 75-80% water! Make sure you drink 2-3 litres of water a day to stay hydrated (which should increase if you are exercising that day). I recommend drinking distilled water as it removes all unwanted chemicals and contaminants.

3rd November 2021
1. Walk or ride a bike to work where possible. When at work, try to get up and walk about during breaks, and take the stairs instead of an elevator
2. Burn more calories at home by completing more chores like ironing and gardening
3. Increase protein intake as your body will use more energy digesting this food group (higher thermic effect)
4. Start to record food diaries and begin to analyse and improve your eating habits e.g. reduce consumption of sugary foods
5. Replace unhealthy snacks with healthy ones like fruits, protein bars and different nuts
6. Take up a new weekly sport/exercise class with a friend
7. Plan 1 15-20 minute run per week (if this is too challenging then gradually increase the duration over a period of weeks)
8. Try replacing some starchy carbs like potato, pasta and cereal with less starchy carbs like most veggies: broccoli, tomatos, zucchini, mushrooms and cabbage. Non-starchy carbs contain less calories and can be high in fibre, magnesium and potassium
9. Including healthy fats in your diet can also help you to lose weight. Consuming avocados, eggs, nuts and oily fish like salmon and mackerel are good examples
10. Eating at the dinner table and avoiding distractions like your smartphone or TV can also help you lose weight as people tend to consume additional calories when they are distracted